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Update: Business Mileage Rate Changes for 2024

As a professional Notary, I stay abreast of the latest changes affecting our profession. Once such change is the updated business mileage rate.


The IRS has announced an increase in the standard business mileage rate to 67 cents per mile. This is a noteworthy change from the previous rate and is essential for mobile notaries to consider when calculating travel fees.


What Does This Mean for You?


As a dedicated notary, my goal is always to provide transparent and fair services. Adjusting to this new rate means my travel fees will now be based on the 67 cents per mile standard. This ensures that the charges remain fair, covering only the necessary travel expenses incurred while providing notarial services.


How is the Mileage Rate Calculated?


The mileage rate is calculated by considering various factors such as fuel costs, maintenance, and wear and tear on the vehicle. The IRS periodically reviews and adjusts this rate to reflect current economic conditions, ensuring that it is fair and accurate.


Commitment to Service


Despite this change, my commitment to providing efficient, reliable, and professional notary services remains steadfast. I understand the importance of your documents and the trust you place in my services, and I’m dedicated to upholding these values in every transaction.


Stay Informed


For more updates like this and tips related to notary services, stay tuned to this blog and my YouTube channel – EVS Notary. Your support and trust in my services are appreciated.


Need a Notary on the Go? Contact me today for your mobile notary needs! Whether it’s at your home, office, or any other location, I’m here to provide convenient, reliable, and professional notary services tailored to your schedule.


EVS Notary 314/804-0021

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